Installation Guide
Here is where you will find full detailed instructions on installing Nighty.
Head to the Nighty website here (
Hit the "Start" button and enter your license key, then select "Show me the links!".
Before downloading the software, you will need to disable your anti-virus. This is due to the nature of the software and how it interacts with Discord. All products sold on RevUnity are completely safe and do not contain any form of malicious code.
You can now download the Nighty software and unzip the files.
Run the "Nighty.exe" file and it should prompt you to enter your license key and then your Discord Token.
If you are unsure how to obtain your token, head here ( for instructions on how to get it.
Enter your token into the Nighty software and hit enter.
Nighty is now successfully connected to your Discord account.
Last updated